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Beach Cleanups


Can't make the scheduled Clean up?

No problem

Ocean Warriors On Tour 

we come to you


Volunteer Today

What We Do

Beach Cleanups

Join us EVERY second Sunday of the month

 900 Ocean Ave., Seal Beach CA 90740

Clean up starts 9:00 AM

You will find us right side of pier near water.

Raffle 9:30 AM

for all volunteers

Raising Awareness

The only solution to pollution is you.

Building A Community

Coming together as a community from a wide variety of age, backgrounds and experiences, is the heart of OCEAN WARRIORS success.


How Does It Work?

It is incredible how one small idea can grow into something truly special. OCEAN WARRIORS is rooted in the belief that we all have an inherent responsibility to make a meaningful difference in our community. Since our founding in 2018, we have been proud to witness how our activities have help raise awareness in Seal Beach and every community we have visit. Want to take part? Contribute to our work by donating or volunteering today.


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